Nonfiction Books

Love and Devotion Series

A grand and magnificent truth radiates from within all of life and each of us. May you discover in your heart a sweet lightness, the luminescent glow of God’s beauty, and a genuine appreciation for the wonderful gift of life which glows unmarred through every human error. We are loved by the Divine, loved into existence. That, in itself, is enough to reassure each one of us of our inestimable worth.

Short and Simple Spiritual Series

The books in the Short and Simple Spiritual Series consist of short and simple spiritual messages. They are short because it only takes a moment to connect with our higher being when we are fed the right sort of message and receive it with the right sort of mind. They are simple because truth is not complicated. The intellect is complicated, but we will never gain our freedom through the intellect.

Creative Spirit Series

We don’t have desires by accident. Good desires are planted in us because we are meant to follow them, explore them, wrestle with them, and have them form us. If we do this and do it in the right way, the result is happiness. If we do anything in the right way, the result is happiness.

Poem and Prayer Series

The poems and prayers in this series are an effective source of healing, realignment, encouragement, and inspiration.

Love’s Longing

We love with all our heart, in every way we can, but the heart is not burdened. We learn to keep it light and pliable. It has space. It breathes. It waits on Life to give instructions. It sings with sweetness when the winds are soft and warm. It stands with calm patience when the storm is brewing. It lets go when death and seeming endings have left their irrefutable mark. It moves. It heals. It hopes. It allows Life to be lived in the safe, fertile, still inner space where it grows stronger and more compelling every day.

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