Writing: A Spiritual Voice (2022 Addendum)

It has been one year since Writing: A Spiritual Voice was published. Every year brings significant growth as a creative of any sort. I have added a detailed 2022 Addendum to Writing: A Spiritual Voice. It includes:

  1. Technical changes and challenges.
  2. I learned how to make audiobooks.
  3. I developed a different marketing focus.
  4. The vision of my writing as a body of work became clearer and stronger.
  5. I began writing a new fiction series, Nanima.

I have an ever-evolving idea of the body of work I want to offer the world. One day, God willing, it will extend beyond my lifetime. It’s not just about the accumulation of titles but, rather, the growth of an energy field. Along with the mark that each book and series makes, there grows a specific energy field that will ultimately carry our books, work as authors, and spiritual impact on the world. To some extent, the books don’t even have to be read. People who have never read them can still benefit. Many great authors form part of our collective consciousness without us even knowing the titles of their works. The energy field of their body of work extends beyond time and space.

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