Sit Down and Shut Up!

There are many reasons why it’s good to sit on the floor for spiritual practices. It makes us more grounded and we will have a better base to work from. Our energy systems are intrinsically connected with our bodies. Getting our bodies properly aligned is primary. Some spiritual practices are not for sitting, for example, walking in nature, but many are. With practice, you will see that it works better on the floor, not in a chair.

It can take Westerners quite a while to make sitting on the floor comfortable and correct, but if we don’t try, then it certainly won’t happen. It requires a strong spine and open hips, which most Westerners do not have, all the more so if you’re not young. Some people, without effort, are flexible, but it generally requires work and attention. 

A cushion is very useful in the early stages. You don’t need to spend money on proper yoga cushions. You can make your own from a folded blanket or towel. It must be dense, not soft like a lounge cushion or bed pillow. Gradually reduce the height of your cushion. A couple of minutes of simple hip-opening exercises, whenever you think of it, particularly before you sit on the floor, will help. It only takes a few years of sitting on the floor with moderate, relaxed effort to make a huge difference to your hips and get to the point of a relatively correct and comfortable posture.

A chair is fine if you can’t sit on the floor or don’t want to. The most important thing is to do the practice any way you can. However, don’t lounge back into the chair. Keep as straight as you can without too much strain. And don’t lean your head on anything. Because of energy flow, your neck needs to be free and relaxed. You can imagine that you are sitting cross-legged on the floor while in the chair, trying to have the same type of straight-backed posture.

Sit down (on the floor), 
shut up, 
and do your spiritual work.

We talked about this topic in our recent weekly online class, Spirit Vibes.

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This meditation is from my online spiritual class every Monday at 7 pm AEDT. Spirit Vibes is experiential and is an opportunity for you to come away feeling brighter, calmer, clearer, more intelligent, inspired, and enthusiastic.

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