Circles of Separation (Book 3 of Waldmeer): Fork in the Road

Chapter 1: Bird of Prey

On the way to the Outer Circle (interdimensional):

Vera stood very still. She listened carefully to Mullum-Mullum. She did not want to miss any of the few words he was giving by way of instruction. In his customary style, Mullum-Mullum spoke in a meaningful but mysterious manner,

Think not you can return on the path that leads to the fork.
Taken once, it disappears as the choice lies ahead.
Both roads will lead to somewhere, but one will be to nowhere.

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Love’s Longing: In Love With Life

In Love with Life

Falling in love is falling in love with our own and another’s truest self. It is ignited by the presence of another but we become beautiful ourselves as well as seeing beauty in the other. A man or woman in love is a magnet for love and affection from everywhere. While we deeply appreciate who God has given us to love, nevertheless, we can learn to be in love with the whole of life. To be in love with Life is to be in touch with our spiritual essence. It is to see beauty and loveliness wherever we go. It is to see the glow of divinity in all those around us. There is less need to fret over our loved one’s presence or absence. There is less need to possessively fear our loved one’s affections or interests. Love does not come from another person, although it will pass through another’s heart. It comes from the great source of all life. 

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Together (Book 2 of Waldmeer): Alamgir

Chapter 1: Conqueror of the World

Amira hadn’t had the nightmare since she was twenty which was six years ago. Back then, she was known as Maria. It hadn’t even crossed her mind in the two years she had been living in Eraldus, in the city. Now that she was travelling each weekend back to Waldmeer, the nightmare was occasionally returning. It was strange because nothing could be more charming than Waldmeer; going to sleep and hearing the distant sea, waking to the forest birds, walking to the rhythm of the breaking waves. Some years ago, she had come face to face with the nightmare malevolence when she went to see her teacher, Erdo, in the forest. That occasion marked the first time Amira spoke to Maria. It was the beginning of many years of instruction from Amira to Maria. These days, Maria was back in the Homeland and Amira had sole charge of the body they had both inhabited. Some years were lost in the transition and Amira was now in her late thirties. Like all the secret ones who claim their spiritual inheritance, she seemed somewhat ageless.

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Waldmeer (Book 1 of Waldmeer): The Garden

Chapter 1: One Who Speaks

In the spirit world of a garden, in Waldmeer, on Earth:

The gardener walked into their lives bright and sharp. Her need was covered by a ready smile. She came from a house with walls that echoed loneliness. On the very first day, her eyes were drawn to the little flower in the corner of the garden. Its beauty was in its simplicity. The gardener’s jealousy was already born. She watched it every day. It moved to the breeze and reached for the sunshine. The flower did not complain about the dark, the wind or the cold. Its roots had strength unseen.

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Love’s Longing: Healing Heartache

Much of our heartache comes not from other people but from our expectations of others and what we feel they should bring into our lives. If other people truly caused our heartaches, we would have little power to heal our hurt. Healing would primarily be left to the passage of time. Even then, the big heartaches could easily be reignited. 

It’s no point arguing with the heart. It doesn’t help to talk reason. The heart doesn’t even hear. It doesn’t know that language. It is instinctive—for good and bad. Whereas the mind will try and patiently think through the reasonableness of any situation, the heart is powerless to do so. The heart is all feeling and flows from a great line of experiences and expectations, both remembered and forgotten.

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Can You Not Remember?—poem

When did this brutality grow? 
Can you not remember?
Go back to the place where you left that man dying.
This time you must bring him back with you.

I see you in my dreams. 
Your face is edged with battle.
I touch your forehead from a distant land.
Settle, settle, peace, peace.

The Earth glare is so bright. 
It washes the white memory from your mind.
Have you forgotten that
we come from the same place?

You are looking for something, 
demanding to be found.
Make your way back from that broken land. 
Return from that empty place.

There is nothing there for you. 
It holds a million shadows.
There are no friends there.
Settle, settle, peace, peace.

It is warmer here. 
Can you see the light? 
Trust it. 
It is safe.

It has lived a long time. 
It has seen much more than you.
You fight a demon that you once knew 
but the demon is already slain.

And from the corner of your eye,
you will see the scattered, 
sacred fire reform again.
Settle, settle, peace, peace.

Peaceful Centre

A balanced, inner calmness radiates from a peaceful centre. It neither craves others’ approval nor rejects others’ presence. It neither pulls towards nor pushes away. It has a reverent attitude towards life and all its inhabitants. It has compassion for the inevitable weaknesses of the human condition. It has nothing to gain from others’ approval. It is not self-seeking. It is not needy, grabbing or manipulative. It embodies gracious respect for everything beautiful including other human souls. It has a lively freedom, a happy composure, a quick and engaging wit, and an intelligent, interested, and interesting mental attitude.

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Life is Immortal

We are here to evolve. All life forms serve one ultimate purpose – to align themselves with the good, the beautiful, and the infinite. As human souls, this takes a tremendous amount of growth; much more than one short time on Earth can give. We gradually become more aligned to the higher life-force over a long period of soul evolution. What may seem a tragedy by the standard of one short lifetime is merely a page in an ongoing story which has a higher purpose and plot far beyond the momentary appearance. We can trust the Divine nature of the story with all its twists and turns. 

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The Love of Being Loving: The Dark Night of the Soul

It is often in the utter despair of humanness that we become willing to consider deeply spiritual answers. Through the pathway of Metapsychiatry and the guidance and support of its founder, Dr Thomas Hora, I discovered a higher spiritual truth. The door and the guide will be different for most people, but once the door is open, we are all in the same territory. 

Spiritual truth irretrievably alters our way of seeing reality and our ability to heal both ourselves and other people. Most spiritual awakening is due to a total disappointment in the human condition to provide any sense of substantial happiness. It is a blessing in disguise. Our greatest need is for the love and assurance that spiritual understanding brings. If it were not for the common experience of human lovelessness and limitation, we would not be driven to seek a higher love.

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