Kevin and the Canines

Today, I begin ten days of praying for someone I promised to pray for. It doesn’t have to be much of a prayer, just a thought, but a thought with the right intention and awareness. A week ago, on a late afternoon walk along the creek near my house, I saw a man sitting at one of the picnic tables in the distance. He was alone and resting his head in his hands. He looked very gloomy. 

I wish he weren’t so sad, I thought. There’s no need to be. If only he knew that.

I felt there was nothing else I could do, so I continued walking. However, as I drew closer, I realised he had five puppies in a portable pen on the grass.

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Geboor (Book 2 of Nanima Series) is Now Available!

Geboor (Book 2 of Nanima Series) is now live! It is available in different formats:

  1. Geboor (paperback and ebook)
  2. Geboor (audiobook)
  3. Nanima Series: Combined Volume Books 1 and 2 (paperback and ebook)

The Nanima Series is a unique story journalling the inner evolution of a spiritual seeker within the context of her relationships and life. It is set in the equally unique environment of rural Australia and has many important messages about the value of the Earth around us and the earth within us. Both ensure our health and happiness.

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Writing: A Spiritual Voice (2023 addendum)

Writing: A Spiritual Voice has been updated and a new addendum for 2023 has been added.

As we evolve, our thoughts hold more power to create what we envision. Practise holding your intentions clearly in your mind and feel that you consistently add energy to their springing into life. In this way, you can create many things that seem impractical or impossible. Ensure your creations benefit everyone involved, or you will pay a bitter price. No one must suffer from what you create. People suffer relentlessly from what they have made in their minds, but we must not contribute to that. If we intend to bless, and only bless, our creations get the entire force of the universe behind them.

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AUDIOBOOK of Together (Book 2 of Waldmeer Series) is now available

Together (Book 2 of Waldmeer Series) is now available as an audiobook.

Listening to audiobooks is:

  1. An easy way of reading.
  2. An energetically powerful way of connecting with an author and their work.
  3. Time efficient (you can multi-task—listen and drive, walk, run, or go to sleep).

Together is available on most audiobook sites (see below).

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Riverland Audiobook

Riverland: For Children and Their Young-at-Heart Old Folk is now available as an audiobook. Here is the first part of the book. The audiobook links are below.

Riverland is for 6 to 9-year-olds and their young-at-heart old folk. Author of many spiritual books, Donna Goddard wrote Riverland with her 8-year-old granddaughter. It is based on things that happened in their family over two generations. They would love to share Nannie’s Nest, Moon Hill, the Rock King, the Dividing Lines, and, of course, Riverland with you and your family.

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Riverland (children’s fiction) is NOW Available

Waving to the hot air balloons as they land on Moon Hill.

Riverland is for 6 to 9-year-olds and their young-at-heart old folk. Author of many spiritual books, Donna Goddard wrote Riverland with her 8-year-old granddaughter. It is based on things that happened in their family over two generations. They would love to share Nannie’s Nest, Moon Hill, the Rock King, the Dividing Lines, and, of course, Riverland with you and your family.

I wasn’t the first one in my family to visit Riverland. The first one was Uncle Tim. He was five and went there because of his dog. Many years later, I also went when I was five because of my dog. Since then, a lot has happened in Nannie’s Nest.

Available on Amazon and other book stores.

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Strange Words: Poems and Prayers is now available as an audiobook

Strange Words: Poems and Prayers, is now available as an audiobook. It is on most audio sites—see links below.

The Poem and Prayer Series is an effective source of healing, realignment, encouragement, and inspiration.

Strange Words has 9 sections—Relationships, Enemies, Nature, Dogs, Dance, Healing, Death, Spiritual Path, Prayer and Meditation.

You can listen to a sample on any of the sites. I am slowly writing the second book of the series, Last Laugh..

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Background for Geboor (Hanging Rock)

Walk with me to the top of Hanging Rock, which is a spectacular sacred place. Places, like people, have their own particular energy. We can use it for our growth and benefit. Hanging Rock in Victoria, Australia, is vibrant, intense, otherworldly, mysterious, changeable, and predominantly masculine. At the top, you can see Mount Macedon in the distance. The Aboriginal name for Mount Macedon is Geboor. Geboor (Book 2 of Nanima Series) is the current book I am writing and sharing with you. While Hanging Rock has a strong masculine vibration, Geboor is feminine in nature. Nature balances itself.

Continue reading “Background for Geboor (Hanging Rock)”